Tuesday, June 14, 2011

To taunt a mockingbird

In the spirit of noticing the humor in life....

This morning as I was walking Pippa we got dive-bombed by a very angry mockingbird. She seemed annoyed with me, but truly furious with Pippa. She dived down behind her, getting closer and closer to Pippa's backside, maybe 4 or 5 times - all the while Pippa was completely oblivious. Finally- contact! The mockingbird goosed her right on the nubbin. Pippa jumped up in the air with a little yelp and then plunked her butt down hard on the pavement.

This is especially funny because, since she got her short summer haircut, Pippa has been jumping at unexpected breezes in and around her back door. She didn't imagine this one, though- I saw the culprit myself.

So, today I am grateful for a good laugh before I even properly woke up.

The video below is not of Pippa, but I included it as evidence so she can feel better that she's not the only one.

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